Downloads for APOSTOLIC MIT
Training Session – July 19 and 20, 2024

Bishop John Almaraz –
La Adoración Y La Consagración En El Campo Misionero – John Mark Almaraz

Bishop Sergio Maffey –
Evangelism in the Field- Bishop Sergio Maffey

Bishop Andy Provencio –

Bishop Felipe A. Salazar –
Lift up your Eyes MIT Conference 2024

Evangelist Mingo Garcia –
MIT Powerpoint Presentation_Mingo Garcia

Pastor Jerry Fernandez –
Culture Shock in the Mission Field

Bishop Joe Prado –
Missions Conference Asia Report – Joe Prado
The Gifts of the Spirit in the Mission Field

Bishop Steve Moran – Keynote Speaker

Apostolic Missionaries in Training

Extend invitation to all members who are interested in joining the Apostolic Missionaries In Training (A-MIT) Conference.

Friday 19 & Saturday 20, July 2024

Friday: 11:00 am to 5:00 pm
Saturday: 9:00 am to 5:00 pm

Apostolic Assembly International Headquarters
5401 Citrus Ave., Fontana CA, 92336

Speakers: Bishops: Joe Prado, John Mark Almaraz, Eduardo Pacheco, Andy Provencio, Jerry Fernandez, Sergio Maffey, President Salazar and International Evangelist Mingo Garcia

Hotel Information:
Sheraton Ontario Airport Hotel
429 North Vineyard Avenue, Ontario, CA.

Thursday, 07/18/2024 – Saturday, 07/20/2024
RATE of $159+ tax and fees per night (Includes one free breakfast per room per stay)

Method of Reservations
Reservations for the Event will be made by individual attendees directly with Marriott reservations at 1 or (909) 937-8000.

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